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I've run into an "odd" problem. One of our members has a website and would like to print out their Residential list.cgi

Because it's in a frame, the only Browser that I have been able to use to print the contents of the frame is Firefox. I couldn't figure out how to do it with other browsers.

I right-clicked inside the frame. A menu option came to "This frame ...", "Print".

However, the page prints large photos and the text is very large, I printed out one page and it only had one listing on the entire page. This is not an issue on the RMLS when printing the list.cgi so I'm not sure why it is happening.

Can you see if you can include some settings so that the printed page looks like the one displayed.

Jean Harris
FS#14: 1/2 Restart RMLS Website eBrochure 2014-12-05T21:35:59Z 2013-08-15T22:42:49Z
Restart sending the RMLS eBrochure on Sunday and Wednesday nights, starting this Wednesday.

Please double-check that it's the "Website" one.
Jean Harris
FS#57: 2. data feed & rmls-update.cgi 2014-10-31T23:46:36Z 2014-04-30T21:45:53Z
This has the highest priority.

Our existing data feeds have URLs that point to listings on, for the feed, I would like the URLS for the listings and website to point to RMLS.

Jean Harris
FS#66: 1. Resizing Photos - Save at Larger Size 2014-10-31T23:45:57Z 2014-08-04T17:58:21Z
Current Size - 300 x 225

New Size - 800 x 600

Jean Harris
FS#65: 4. Add "Documents" Upload to Vacant Land, Commercial and Multi-Family 2014-10-09T23:00:36Z 2014-08-04T16:41:25Z
For all listings that are not Residential (Vacant Land, Commercial, Multi-Family, Boatslips)

Add the option to upload just the single file (no need for Seller or Lead Based Discloures).

Remove the two Disclosers Uploads and change the text slightly for the single file

Upload a single file with one or more Documents (Send a jpg or pdf file)
Jean Harris
FS#43: Copy the USA-mls map feature to RMLS multi-list 2014-10-09T23:00:14Z 2014-02-06T20:51:41Z
We would like to replace the Michigan county maps that are in the RMLS multi-list (for example the main page Michigan map) with a map similar to what appears on the Michigan page for the

Can you see what would be involved and let me know.

(This would be after the zoom feature that opens the map marker is in place so that the same feature is availabe in the RMLS.)
Jean Harris
FS#47: rmls/rmls.cgi 2014-10-09T22:59:54Z 2014-02-12T00:20:03Z
The Listing Administration area for me to enter listings (not associated with a member) is under rmls/rmls.cgi

I input the Company Name, Office Address, City, Phone and Fax. (This is not the same for the member directories, where those fields are set and can't be edited).

I am able to enter those fields, but right now, when I go to "Change Listing Information", I have no ability to edit these fields. Can you change that so that these fields are editable.

Change listing information

Company Name:
Office Address:
Office City:
Office Phone:
Agency Fax:
Jean Harris
FS#49: Problem Deleting Listings 2014-10-09T22:59:27Z 2014-02-17T16:51:44Z
I tried to delete a User and the associated Listings from the site. So, I deleted the user, but the listings for that user remained on the site and now are displayed without any contact information because the user was removed.

Now, since the user is no longer there, I can't bring up the listings to delete them one at a time.

I created a new user with the same email address ( associated with the listings, hoping I could gain access to them again, but that didn't work.
Here is one of the problem listings.

There are 19 "active" listings. Can you delete the entire User account, including all of the listings (active, inactive, etc.)?

Shouldn't I be able to delete and user "and the user's listings" without having to delete listings one at a time.
Jean Harris
FS#50: Add Tag Feature to RMLS 2014-10-09T22:59:10Z 2014-02-18T16:38:34Z
Similar to the feature on

Be able to retrieve properties, using the Search Tool. The options on the Search Tool wouuld be checkboxes like the "Basements" and "Open Houses" options are available now.

We would need to decide if we use the existing field structure for the RMLS, adding a field that would retain information like: "LC;PB;" for Land Contract and Pole Barn or use a table along the lines of the USA-mls site.
Jean Harris
FS#54: Save Sold Graphics on server 2014-10-09T22:58:51Z 2014-04-09T15:35:04Z
In order to save space on the RMLS server, I would like to find out what would be involved in moving all of the Sold graphics that are no longer associated with active companies (where the sold listings have been moved from individual directory to the mail rmls directory) to the

First, how much space is being used to store these graphics on the rmls server.

I'm only taking about moving the photos, not the listing information. Since the sold information should remain under the "Member Only" access and password protected.

The photos themselves don't need to be password protected.

I would like to make a determination if this is something that we should do. Or, if doing something different would save as much space.

Jean Harris