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RMLS Migration


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  • Status Assigned
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type IMPORTANT
  • Category USA-mls
  • Assigned To Carl Blakemore (carl)
  • Operating System All
  • Severity High
  • Priority High
  • Reported Version 1.5
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date 2014-10-01
  • Votes 0
  • Private No
Attached to Project: Programming
Opened by Jean Harris (jean) - 2014-08-29
Last edited by Jean Harris (jean) - 2015-03-26

FS#68 - 1. RMLS Migration

Your Notes from July 21, 2014:

I'll get flyspray updated with the details, but wanted to let you know that I did spend some time over the weekend working on the migration. I ended up using the same system as we set up for the dev2 environment that we had been using. I have verified that list.cgi is running, as well as detail.cgi and categ.cgi. That doesn't mean everything there is working, but it I can at least load them.

There are still a lot of tests to be done, we need to make sure all the reports and "behind-the-scenes" scripts are working, all the proper logging of information, etc.

This task does not depend on any other tasks.

Jean Harris (jean)
Thursday, 11 September 2014, 20:54 GMT
Maintenance Emails generated for rmls (the title of the report is preceeded by the priority of importance - Critical, High, Medium or Low)

Monthly Emails - Generated on the 1st of the month

Critical - RMLS Monthly Summary Report (sent to
Duplicate - RMLS Monthly Summary Report (sent to, this is a duplicate copy that can be discontinued).

Critical - RMLS Monthly Postings Report

Medium - RMLS Monthly Duplicate UniqueID Report

Low - Monthly Summary Report of Real Estate Postings by County

Low - RMLS Monthly Company Totals (sent to
Duplicate - RMLS Monthly Company Totals (sent to, this is a duplicate copy that can be discontinued).

Critical - RMLS Monthly Accesses Report

High - Pending Report (more than 60 days)

One of the Reports has the Subject: Monthly Report of Real Estate Postings and comes to a very old email address for me "", please change that to "". (I believe it is the email address that is associated with the "rmls directory").

These take care of the monthly emails. As the priority suggests, the "Critical" ones have to be generated without trouble.

weekly Emails - Generated on Sundays

Medium - Raw data file of Save-A-Search

Daily Emails - Generated daily

Medium - Raw count of listings

Jean Harris (jean)
Saturday, 20 September 2014, 23:06 GMT

I'm getting an error message when I go to

Can you give me an outline detailing what needs to be done for the migration. What specific things do you need to do and what will you need me to do.

Also, can you tell me how you expect the actual switch-over to occur. What would be the process.

I'm sure we will need to "disable" rmls.cgi. How long do you expect that portion of the site to be down. Can it be done late at night so that the disruption is kept to a minimum.
Jean Harris (jean)
Saturday, 20 September 2014, 23:31 GMT

We will have to make sure that the Daily New Listing Report emails go out without trouble from the new server based on the information in the file in the "rmls/graphices" directory (perhaps we can set up a test "" file on the new server with just our email addresses ("", "", "" and your email address.)

The Monthly Postings Report email goes out on the 1st of the month to each "company email address". The RMLS system also sends out copies of the Monthly Postings Report based on the information in the file "" in the "rmls/graphics" directory. Based on the 3 digit company code and the email addresses following the company code, copies of the corresponding Monthly Postings Report are emailed to the recipients in the file.

We will also have to make sure that these other system emails are generated without any trouble: the Save-a-Search emails, the Contact emails and the Email a Listing emails.

Jean Harris (jean)
Saturday, 20 September 2014, 23:34 GMT

We will also have to look into what needs to be done so that no interruption occurs in my receiving emails sent to the "" email address and others like "", etc. Right now they are being forwarded from the NetOneCom server to the Gmail server. How will that be effected by the move to Hostgator?
Jean Harris (jean)
Saturday, 20 September 2014, 23:38 GMT

What changes will be necessary for the Export and Import of the RMLS listings to the site? How will that be effected?
Jean Harris (jean)
Sunday, 21 September 2014, 00:07 GMT

I believe the Domain Registration will need to be updated for the Name Servers to point to the new server.

I'll forward the Domain Registration information to you in an email.
Jean Harris (jean)
Thursday, 26 March 2015, 21:21 GMT
Steps of the Migration (approximate time necessary ??)

make backup of scripts

Done - 1. Date and time for Migration - Wednesday, April 1st at 5pm

Done - a. Jean - Sunday - Upload Bulletin with information about "Down for Maintenance"

Done - 2. The changing of the DNS record with William has been scheduled for 5pm on Wednesday

a. Carl - send DNS information in an email to William early Wednesday

3. Wednesday around 5pm, turn on Maintenance Mode on the old server (with bulletin message at the bottom of screen displayed)

4. 1 hour 40 minutes - Back Up RMLS programming and data files (RMLS viewing and searching on old server still available?)

5. 1 hour - Copy RMLS "programming", "data" files and "image" files to new server (RMLS viewing and searching on old server still available?)

6. 20 minutes - Extract the data files.

a. Fix permissions (to correct Internal Server Errors, missing listing photos, etc.)

b. Turn on Maintenance mode on the new server. (make sure bulletin message is displayed)

7. Move files around as necessary on the new server (copy and test versions).

8. Make any necessary changes (one time scripts)to correct any problems that might come up ("Date Calc" issue, check sold.cgi files, be careful of links when editing)

9. Fully test the site on the new server. (Check count.cgi)

10. Copy over security files and count data files (usernames and passwords, since they have been updated since originally copied over, check recent member - rutkowski, username "", password "0077")

11. Turn "off" Maintenance Mode on new server to allow edits and new listings (leave Maintenance Mode "on" on the old server)

11. Remove Keith's email address from reports

12. Make sure file is back to complete file with all members.

13. Make sure daily and weekly reports will run

14. Make sure counts are working.


After the migration, move and into a new directory called "Report Generation"

Questions -

How do we test the LAP - rmls.cgi if the Maintenance Mode is turned on


RMLS Site will be Down for Maintenance on Wednesday evening, April 1st.

We will be performing server maintenance on Wednesday evening, April 1st beginning at 5pm, and lasting approximately 4 to 5 hours. During that time Listing Administration areas will be unavailable. If you have any edits or new listings to enter please be sure to complete your work by 4:30pm on Wednesday or wait until Thursday. Viewing and searching listings should be possible intermittently throughout this process. Thank you for your cooperation and patience regarding this required server maintenance.

Carl Blakemore (carl)
Wednesday, 01 April 2015, 23:19 GMT
Steps of the Migration (approximate time necessary ??)

make backup of scripts

Done - 1. Date and time for Migration - Wednesday, April 1st at 5pm

Done - a. Jean - Sunday - Upload Bulletin with information about "Down for Maintenance"

Done - 2. The changing of the DNS record with William has been scheduled for 5pm on Wednesday

Done - a. Carl - send DNS information in an email to William early Wednesday

Done - 3. Wednesday around 5pm, turn on Maintenance Mode on the old server (with bulletin message at the bottom of screen displayed)

Done - 4. 1 hour 40 minutes - Back Up RMLS programming and data files (RMLS viewing and searching on old server still available?)

Done - 5. 1 hour - Copy RMLS "programming", "data" files and "image" files to new server (RMLS viewing and searching on old server still available?)

Done - 6. 20 minutes - Extract the data files.

Done - a. Fix permissions (to correct Internal Server Errors, missing listing photos, etc.)

Done - b. Turn on Maintenance mode on the new server. (make sure bulletin message is displayed)

Done - 7. Move files around as necessary on the new server (copy and test versions).

Done - 8. Make any necessary changes (one time scripts)to correct any problems that might come up ("Date Calc" issue, check sold.cgi files, be careful of links when editing)

Done - 9. Fully test the site on the new server. (Check count.cgi)

Done - 10. Copy over security files and count data files (usernames and passwords, since they have been updated since originally copied over, check recent member - rutkowski, username "", password "0077")

Done -11. Turn "off" Maintenance Mode on new server to allow edits and new listings (leave Maintenance Mode "on" on the old server)

Done - 11. Remove Keith's email address from reports

Done - 12. Make sure file is back to complete file with all members.

Done - 13. Make sure daily and weekly reports will run

Done - 14. Make sure counts are working.
