- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type New Feature
- Category RMLS
Assigned To
Carl Blakemore (carl)
- Operating System All
- Severity Medium
- Priority Normal
- Reported Version 1.5
- Due in Version Undecided
- Due Date Undecided
- Votes 0
- Private No
Opened by Jean Harris (jean) - 2014-02-06
Last edited by Jean Harris (jean) - 2014-10-09
FS#43 - Copy the USA-mls map feature to RMLS multi-list
Can you see what would be involved and let me know.
(This would be after the zoom feature that opens the map marker is in place so that the same feature is availabe in the RMLS.)
Tuesday, 01 April 2014, 02:02 GMT
I did find a possible implementation for displaying an overlay of counties, something similar to this (although I wouldn't use these colors):
Thursday, 03 April 2014, 17:00 GMT
The Michigan County Map will remain on the site elsewhere under the "For Sale" link in blue border, "Search by County". So the main page map will not need to display counties.
Let's start by replacing the Michigan Map on the main page with a map similar to the one on USA-mls.com on the "test" main page.
For discussion purposes, let's use Caseville as an example. We could keep the same information on the tag that is on the USA-mls map.
Caseville, MI
184 For Sale -- view listings
The View Listings link could link to a list.cgi for Caseville listings
A thought might be to add a "view map" link in the City tag which could link to a another map zoomed in to the city with the individual properties mapped. We will need to figure out how to let the categories of properties (Residential, Vacant, Commercial) be selected.
Caseville, MI -- view map
184 For Sale -- view listings