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Notice: Undefined index: tasklist_type in /home/usamls/public_html/support/flyspray/includes/class.tpl.php(128) : eval()'d code on line 85 Notice: Undefined index: tasklist_type in /home/usamls/public_html/support/flyspray/includes/class.tpl.php(128) : eval()'d code on line 90
  • Status Closed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Bug
  • Category RMLS
  • Assigned To Carl Blakemore (carl)
  • Operating System All
  • Severity Medium
  • Priority Normal
  • Reported Version 1.5
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes 0
  • Private No
Attached to Project: Programming
Opened by Jean Harris (jean) - 2014-02-12
Last edited by Jean Harris (jean) - 2014-10-09

FS#47 - rmls/rmls.cgi

The Listing Administration area for me to enter listings (not associated with a member) is under rmls/rmls.cgi

I input the Company Name, Office Address, City, Phone and Fax. (This is not the same for the member directories, where those fields are set and can't be edited).

I am able to enter those fields, but right now, when I go to "Change Listing Information", I have no ability to edit these fields. Can you change that so that these fields are editable.

Change listing information

Company Name:
Office Address:
Office City:
Office Phone:
Agency Fax:

This task does not depend on any other tasks.

Closed by  Jean Harris (jean)
Thursday, 09 October 2014, 22:59 GMT
Reason for closing:  Deferred
Carl Blakemore (carl)
Monday, 17 February 2014, 00:47 GMT
I'm having difficulty duplicating this, I go to and navigate to the change listing information, but those fields you mention don't seem to be uneditable for me.
Jean Harris (jean)
Monday, 17 February 2014, 18:36 GMT

Now it's starting to make sense, I thought those fields could be edited.

I was selecting the "Change Listing Information" by going through the following steps:

Using the rmls.cgi/admin, I selected "001-", then selected the QuickList, then selected the listing to view by clicking on the listing number, then selected "Change Listing Information" button underneath the displayed listing, which brought up an edit screen

After seeing your message, I went to the the Listing Administration Page for 001-, then selected the "Change Listing Information" and then selected the listing, which brought up the edit screen.

So, it appears that within the "001-" Listing Administration Area there two different versions of the "Change Listing Information".

Can that be corrected.
