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  • Status Closed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type IMPORTANT
  • Category USA-mls
  • Assigned To Carl Blakemore (carl)
  • Operating System All
  • Severity Medium
  • Priority Normal
  • Reported Version 1.5
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes 0
  • Private No
Attached to Project: Programming
Opened by Jean Harris (jean) - 2014-04-09
Last edited by Jean Harris (jean) - 2014-10-09

FS#54 - Save Sold Graphics on server

In order to save space on the RMLS server, I would like to find out what would be involved in moving all of the Sold graphics that are no longer associated with active companies (where the sold listings have been moved from individual directory to the mail rmls directory) to the

First, how much space is being used to store these graphics on the rmls server.

I'm only taking about moving the photos, not the listing information. Since the sold information should remain under the "Member Only" access and password protected.

The photos themselves don't need to be password protected.

I would like to make a determination if this is something that we should do. Or, if doing something different would save as much space.

This task does not depend on any other tasks.

Closed by  Jean Harris (jean)
Thursday, 09 October 2014, 22:58 GMT
Reason for closing:  Deferred
Carl Blakemore (carl)
Thursday, 10 April 2014, 04:27 GMT
It will take me a little to tally the numbers for how much space sold images are taking up. There's no way to look at the image file directly and know that it is sold, so I'll need to put together a script that looks up the sold listings, then looks for the images for each listing, etc.

The biggest problem is how the current system is designed to see which photos are available or not. For example, the system identifies whether or not it should display an uploaded image, vs a generic one, by checking to see if a very specific filename exists on the system or not. A similar approach is taken for photo tours. There is no data in the listing record itself telling it what photos are available, it's assumed that if a file with the right name is found in the system that the image should be displayed for that listing. There is no easy "drop-in" replacement for this functionality.

Although I don't have sold vs active just yet, I am including a quick text file I put together listing the sizes of the directories for rmls to get a basic idea / overall numbers.
Jean Harris (jean)
Thursday, 12 June 2014, 17:40 GMT
The last item is 5.0G Is this the "rmls" directory, where the sold listings and graphics are stored for the companies who are no longer members?

Since we plan to move the entire site to the server, I don't think we need to look at this "stop-gap" measure anymore.
Carl Blakemore (carl)
Sunday, 29 June 2014, 18:08 GMT
I believe that the last item there is a "sum" of all directories above it, simply, the entirety of rmls is about 5GB.

For example, "remainstreet" has used a total of 40M, 15M in data and 25M in graphics:

15M ./remainstreet/lapeer/data
25M ./remainstreet/lapeer/graphics
40M ./remainstreet/lapeer
40M ./remainstreet
