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Problem Printing Website List.cgi


Notice: Undefined index: tasklist_type in /home/usamls/public_html/support/flyspray/includes/class.tpl.php(128) : eval()'d code on line 85 Notice: Undefined index: tasklist_type in /home/usamls/public_html/support/flyspray/includes/class.tpl.php(128) : eval()'d code on line 90
  • Status Closed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type IMPORTANT
  • Category USA-mls
  • Assigned To Carl Blakemore (carl)
  • Operating System All
  • Severity High
  • Priority High
  • Reported Version 1.5
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes 0
  • Private No
Attached to Project: Programming
Opened by Jean Harris (jean) - 2014-07-02
Last edited by Jean Harris (jean) - 2015-03-11

FS#63 - 3. Problem Printing Website List.cgi

I've run into an "odd" problem. One of our members has a website and would like to print out their Residential list.cgi

Because it's in a frame, the only Browser that I have been able to use to print the contents of the frame is Firefox. I couldn't figure out how to do it with other browsers.

I right-clicked inside the frame. A menu option came to "This frame ...", "Print".

However, the page prints large photos and the text is very large, I printed out one page and it only had one listing on the entire page. This is not an issue on the RMLS when printing the list.cgi so I'm not sure why it is happening.

Can you see if you can include some settings so that the printed page looks like the one displayed.

This task does not depend on any other tasks.

Closed by  Jean Harris (jean)
Wednesday, 11 March 2015, 23:29 GMT
Reason for closing:  Deferred
Jean Harris (jean)
Wednesday, 01 October 2014, 15:23 GMT

Another issue that is a problem for members who have websites is that single listings viewed one the site can't really be printed properly. The frames causes a listing to be printed on 3 pages, the header information from the website itself, then the listing, then the foot information on the website. Is there a quick fix that allows just the contents of the frame to be printed.

Then we need to come up with a "printer friendly" version of the page. The goal should be to have a majority of the listing print on just one page. This should probably be implement across the board on the RMLS.

Can you let me know if you need any information from me need from me before moving forward.
